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My Top 10 Highest-Earning Articles of All Time ($1,000+)
Exactly how much each one earned
I first discovered Medium way back in 2020, during the pandemic.
I was looking for ways to pass my time at home and I was thrilled when I watched a YouTube video which introduced me to the platform and told me I could actually make money from my hobby of writing.
Of course, at the start I was skeptical. How much money could an amateur writer really earn?
However, when I unlocked the secret (consistency!), I realised that it was possible for a completely new writer to make money from their hobby.
Here are my top 10 articles based solely on how much they earned:
10. American Airlines’ $40 Million Mistake Which Still Haunts Them Today
In the beginning, I wrote a lot of history/true story articles. I found they performed quite well because there was a community of avid readers out there who loved to learn new things.
You’ll notice a few more historical articles on this list which performed even better than this one.
View count: 525
Earnings: $26.21